martedì 5 giugno 2012

ACN/AKN: solidarietà ai minatori spagnoli!

Il Network Anticapitalista ACN/AKN esprime TOTALE SOLIDARIETA' ai minatori spagnoli in lotta per difendere il proprio lavoro e il proprio futuro!

The ACN/AKN expresses its FULL SOLIDARITY with the Spanish miners in the fight against criminals cuts made by the globalcapitalist Government. During the last days spanish miners in the mining sector in Campomanes, near Oviedo, northern Spain stage a protest to oppose to cuts in government subsidies to the sector. 8,000 workers took part in the third of four strike days this month to protest against subsidy reductions from euros 300 million to euros 110 million.
«No al cierre de la mineria del carbon. Por el cambio economico e industrial de las comarcas mineras».
No surrender!

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